Prayers for All...

A very cold winter in the cityImage via WikipediaIn the Face of Adversity

The winter wind blows cold.
Walking down the street,
my heart aches for warmth.
Fear nips at my heals.
I pray for the strength
to meet this new day,
drawing out what sunshine
I can find lingering in the dark corners.

Grandmother’s Prayer

While holding this little one 
who still smells of angel essence,
so fresh from Your hands to mine,
I pray for my child - the mother -
that she may have the wisdom
to guide your gift to us through
the perilous paths of life.

Grant that I have the pleasure
to watch - without interfering -
to guide - without preaching and
to love - without end, as You do.

As the Sprouts Form

Garden with some tulips and narcissusImage via WikipediaCreator of the tiniest atoms,

we sing praise, 
as from this warm soil
sprouts begin to force their
gentle green bodies into the sunlight

we sing praise, 
as from skeletons of wood
the smallest of buds begin to fill
with the stuff of life and wonder

we sing praise, 
as from the barren land
of our souls, your Spirit springs forth
bearing the fruit of your Love -

Sustenance for all

All poems above written by Linda M. Rhinehart Neas © 2010-2011


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