
Showing posts from December, 2019

Joyful Blues

As we enter the third week of Advent, - the week associated with Joy - we light the pink or rose colored candle. This candle is called the Shepherd's Candle.  Contemplating all this, observing advent, has been more of a chore than in the past. This season, the pain of grief has weighed heavy on my heart and soul, teaching me the true meaning of a Blue Christmas. This year, I became that last member of my immediate family, w hen my brother, Barry, died. I am blessed with family still - four daughters, eleven grandchildren, numerous aunts, uncles, cousins - but, my "family" - the family of my childhood - is gone. Never could I have imagined the hole this would cut into your heart and soul. So, how does one "celebrate" with this profound grief? To be honest, I am taking it one second, minute, hour, day at a time. I look for goodness in the world. Barry, during one of our last times together, asked us all to do good things for each other and the world. Those

A Time of Waiting, A Time of Anticipation

“Maybe you have to know the darkness  before you can appreciate the light.”  ~ Madeline L’Engle ~ This is a time of great anticipation in many faith paths around the world. In the northern hemisphere, it is a time where the darkness of winter descends on the Earth. The longest night of the year comes at the end of December. Therefore, it is no wonder that Light, in the form of fires that warm and candles that brighten are an intricate part of so many celebrations. During the earliest times of humanity, Solstice Yule fires brought light and warmth to the cold winter nights. Judaism celebrated the Miracle of the Lights with the lighting of the menorah. Christians used a circle of candles to observe the time before the birth of Jesus, who is called the Light of the World. The African diaspora, primarily in the US, remember their ancestors at this time of year with the lighting of seven candles. Each candle is a reminder of a specific virtue or trait.  No matter what