
Showing posts from April, 2017

Friendship and Well-being

A wise old bear once said, " We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun. ”  (A. A. Milne) Fifty years ago, in a small community hall overseen by the Sister's of Charity, a group of teenagers were simply having fun making music, dancing and creating bonds that would last a lifetime. Recently, at their 50th reunion, the realization of Pooh's wisdom hit home. Dr. Barbara Fredrickson’s definition of how friendship forms " includes the following criteria: 'Love is a momentary upwelling of three tightly interwoven events:  First, a sharing of one or more positive emotions between you and another;  second, a synchrony between your and the other person’s biochemistry and behaviors; and  third, a reflected motive to invest in each other’s well-being that brings mutual care.'  What is then created, when this criteria is met, is a moment of love. And when one finds another that they are able to share several such moments, bo

Healing and Positive Thinking

Dr. Barbara Fredrickson is a noted researcher into the science of positive thinking and well-being. Internationally recognized and respected, she offers people an opportunity to re-train our minds to see and create positivity, thereby, increasing our overall well-being. Needless to say, I was drawn to her work. I, also, believe that by keeping a positive attitude, we can cope with life better. As Dr. Fredrickson says, this doesn't mean that bad things don't happen. What it means is that we are better able to maneuver through difficult times without getting lost in pain, grief or despair.   For the next two weeks, I will be hosting a Facebook event to help us all learn techniques for increasing the "meta-moments of positivity" in our lives. The accumulation of these moments is what changes our body chemistry and our minds. (Join us here:  ) May we all learn to see the small gifts of kindness given us througho

Easter Morning

Photo (c) 2017 Linda M. Rhinehart Neas May the Light that comes to all on this new day fill us with hope, heal our wounds, bringing us Peace and Love. Blessings to all!

A Thing Called Hope

Hope His the thing with feathers  That perches in the soul,  And sings the tune without the words,  And never stops at all, And sweetest in the gale is heard;  And sore must be the storm  That could abash the little bird  That kept so many warm.  I’ve heard it in the chillest land,  And on the strangest sea;  Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of me.  Emily Dickinson   Hope is needed in great quantities these days. Sometimes, we actually need a reminder that there is always hope, even in the darkest moments. I had one such reminder as I watched a flock of robins feeding on the lawn. One was up on a branch singing to beat the band. Emily's poem popped into my head, along with the reminder not to despair. Then, my teacher's mind realized this was a teachable moment!  In many cultures, birds are messengers from the Great Spirit, the Creator, God. Birds are symbolic of angels. They can be found everywhere, yet, are fleeting and difficult to hold onto.

Together We Are Strong

  Photo Credit: Public Domain Images at For many of us, the world seems overwhelmingly needy. Everyday, there is a new cause to champion, a new place to focus our interests and resources. We often feel overwhelmed and lost. Let me say, I am talking from my own experience. I want to help make the world better, but there is so much work to do, I often feel like I am drowning in requests for aid. I am only one person. However... A dear teacher once told me that alone we have limits, but together, we can move mountains. In a chorale, the soloist relies on the chorus for the rich melodies and harmonies that make a performance outstanding. In art, an artist must bring colors together - one pigment does not make for an interesting painting. In life, a person must rely on the assistance of others from birth through death. This week, when things become overwhelming, stop and think. Who is of like mind? Who can you share the burden with at this moment