
Showing posts from December, 2015

Balm in Times of Grief

Image I originally posted this several years ago.  Recently, after the sudden death of our dear friend, Wendy, I have been looking for words that might help those who knew her.  Here is my original post -    In the past month, several friends have shared the death of a loved one with me.  Some have sat at the bedside of a parent as they transitioned from this life to the next.  Others have told of releasing into the Creator's loving hands, their child.   At times like this, words often ring hollow.  They don't seem to have the depth we hope for in order to bring comfort to the hearts we know are breaking.  However, to say nothing, would be worse.   I have often responded by writing poetry.  The following are poems I have written and sent to loved ones when they are grieving.  I pray that their words will bring comfort to any of you who are in need of balm for your souls.   That Smile That smile!  That is what we wi

How to Open Our Hearts

"...we get to show the world how to open our hearts."  These were the words that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke yesterday as he and other Canadians awaited the arrival of Syrian refugees to Toronto.  Watching the video, below I could see the genuine warmth and welcome the people from Syria were given. What saddened me is the thought that someone must teach the world how to "open our hearts."  When did we forget how to do this?  When did we forget the basic tenant of every spiritual path in the world to "Love one another?"    Welcoming refugees, sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, clothing those without clothes should not rely on politics - these ARE the guidelines given to us by every Holy text ever written.     There are many things I do not know, but one thing I do know is that this world is filled with loving, compassionate people. May this example of Lovingkindness be but the beginning of a huge wave of Compassion and Love tha

What Are We Waiting For?

In the past, there was a tradition of placing a candle or a light in the window if a loved one was traveling.  Guest houses would also do this, letting the weary traveler know there was lodging within that particular dwelling. As a child, we lit candles (electric ones) in the windows.  We also lit candles on an Advent Wreath. When I asked why we did this, the answer was,"to show we are waiting."   Now, we are in the middle of the Season of Light and Love.  Many people from many different cultures are lighting candles and fires of various types or will be soon. If we look back to the traditions from whence these rituals came, we find that the lighting has to do with expectation, with welcome, with hope. Expectation, we lcome , and hope are empty when we have no idea what it is we are waiting for, welcoming in or hoping to have happen. Therefore, my question is still , "What are we w aiting for?" If we are waiting for Peace, for Love, for Light to return t