
Showing posts from July, 2019

Mosaic of Love Lessons

Over that past two weeks, the stories of love and compassion shared with our family and friends have been extraordinary.  My brother, Barry touched the lives of others in so many ways.  During his eulogy, I said that his life was a mosaic - broken pieces held together with hope, faith and love. After hearing all the stories about Barry, I can see that Love was the glue that made a difference. You see, Barry believed in treating everyone from prince to paupers the same. The mosaic of Love Lessons from Barry's life can help us all learn. Here are a few that really touched my heart. When a young woman and companion was stuck in a parking lot with a car that had broken down, Barry and his niece saw them, lent a hand and developed, on the spot, a life-long friendship. When Barry was recovering from a liver transplant, his donor needed help on the farm. Barry questions asked. As Barry was battling from stage 4 lung cancer, he learned of the cancer diagnosis o

Superheroes and Saints

Photo Art: 2019 Rev. Linda M. Rhinehart Neas “Who needs superheroes when you have a brother.” In this life, we each have something to learn and something to teach. I believe this. One of the great teachers of my lifetime, my younger brother, Barry, was also one of the greatest superheroes I have ever met. As a lifelong student, Barry, struggled at times, but never gave up. Once he learned a lesson, he shared it with everyone...and I mean everyone! (which is how he became an amazing degree...simply a naturally born teacher) His elevation to superhero came after his struggle with liver failure five years ago. After a liver transplant from one of his best friends, (who was a closer match than Barry's male relatives) he dedicated his life to giving back to others and helping as many people as he could.  This week, he joined the Saints when his battle with cancer came to an end.  The following are lessons, our Barry taught with great abandon! Life giv