
Showing posts from January, 2022

More About Signs and Symbols

  "When you believe beyond what your eyes can see...  signs from heaven show up to remind you love never dies."  Author Unknown  I have written of how, as a young child, my mother taught me to be aware of signs from above and beyond. Over the years, I have encountered many. Each time, I am both amazed and awed.  Naysayers have told me that I could find signs in anything if I wanted to and that these "messages" are just in my imagination, which is vivid. My answer has always been, "Thank God for that!"  Yes, we can find messages in most anything. However, when you aren't looking, and they show up...what then? Is it a message from the great beyond when you see a hawk, the minute you ask for an answer to a prayer? Is it coincidence that a symbol of someone who has passed (for instance, my mother's symbol is a yellow butterfly) appears when you most need a reminder that you are never alone? I think not.  Someone asked me how you know a sign is a sign.