Ministering Without a Church

Over the past few days, several people have asked me where my church is.  Honestly, I stumble over answering this question.  My "church" is the world. But, when I say that, people take a step back and look at me with shock or suspicion.  When I answer that I don't have one, they apologize and begin listing all the churches they know looking for ministers.

In reality, I am not a minister to one denomination or faith path, which means I do not have a pulpit from which I preach every Sunday.  I am an ordained interfaith/interspiritual minister.  Ministry within this context is far-reaching.

Ministry literally means serving others. This may be accomplished through a community of like-minded individuals within the confines of a building, but "the church" is not a building.  The Church is the people that gather together.

Therefore, my "church" is wherever people gather and are in need.  This may mean the mother who is exhausted from chasing toddlers around all day whom I meet in the grocery store check out line.  Or, this may be the elderly woman who stops to speak to me as I take my walks through town. But, it can also be those gathered to celebrate the wedding I officiate or the funeral at which I offer the blessings for the departed loved one.

Whether it is the need to be listened to, prayer for, helped, assisted, or simply be with, my ministry goes where I go and is open to all. Which is why, I have an online ministry.  The internet has given me the tools to reach out to the world with words, thoughts, songs, and prayers that touch others.  My greatest joy is hearing from people who tell me that something I posted touched their soul at a time when needed most.

Creator blessed me with so much Love, ministry is my way of sharing that Love with all.

Blessings to all on this glorious day!


Thank you for expressing this truth.
Rev Jody Breton said…
Thank you Linda; well said. Over a similar reaction when I am asked about my ministry. I comment that I am a community chaplain and practice my ministry from my heart which goes everywhere. It gives people something to ponder.
Thank you for all you do.
Thank you for your kind words and thoughts, Jody! I love the idea of a "Community Chaplain!" Blessings.
Unknown said…
Lovely - inspiring as we can all 'minister' with an open heart and intention...
Thank you, Denise! Yes, we can all minister to each other!

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