In Search of the Sacred

When I was a young girl in parochial school, sacred meant something that was very holy and almost untouchable. The consecrated hosts in the tabernacle were sacred. We didn't use this word for anything that was not related to God.

As I matured and began studying world religions, I realized that sacred was used for other reasons. Often, the word meant something looked upon as precious or special, something full of awe, something for which you have the highest respect.

When I first began my journey towards ordination, I came to realize that our world was filled with the sacred. Our Earth is sacred, as are all the living creature upon it. We can have sacred space in a building or garden. We can read sacred text in books, online and as graffiti. We can find sacred geometry in art and within seashells or flowers. 

I believe technology has desensitized us to what is sacred. Computers, online programs, gadgets that miniaturize phones, cameras and TVs have created a sense of awe that is related to mechanics. When we leave the comfort of our laptops, we need to wipe the mists from our eyes to really see the world around us. 

As I search for the Sacred, I need not go any further than my own home. Here I am surrounded by sacred space everywhere I look. The green of our gardens, the beauty of the rocks and shells from around the world, the music we listen to and the words we read are all sacred to me. On our walls and shelves are the faces of our family and friends. Each of these people is very sacred to me.

What is sacred to you? What is precious? Do you have a sacred space? Share your thoughts with us.

Further reading:

What is sacred? UU World 
Find the Sacred in Everyday Life


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