At Momma's Knee

There are things I was taught that have remained in my life since the day the lesson was learned. Looking back, I realized these were all things my Momma taught me. 

Today, the young people would call these "Life Hacks" - tips for making life go more smoothly, more efficiently.  Momma's life hacks had a bit more oomph to them, though. They were based on a deep connection to Faith, Hope, and Love. A connection that was lived daily, not simply taught, then forgotten except for one hour or so a week.

Here are the top five life hacks learned at Momma's knee:

  • Be nice - it doesn't cost a penny. Be nice, even when others are not being nice to you. Be nice especially to your elders, who may be grumpy or cranky, but you have not lived as long as they have. You do not know the pain and sorrow they carry. Be nice, it can change someone's life.
  • Always share what you have with others. You are never too poor or too rich to share when others are in need. But, most important, do not look for anything in return. Share out of love, not for praise or reward of any kind, only love.
  • Give thanks. Gratitude is as important as air to breathe! Momma would give thanks for having nothing, just as quickly as if she had a banquet before her. She gave thanks for her pain, because it taught her to be more understanding. She gave thanks for every joy in her life. She gave thanks morning, noon, and night. 
  • Always find time to listen. When someone comes to you with a heavy heart, listen. When someone comes with boundless joy, listen. When someone comes with pain or confusion, listen.  You don't need to "fix" them; you simply need to be present - to hear their words - to be a witness to whatever is happening in their lives. Make a cup of tea (Momma's cure for everything!), sit, and listen. Don't give advice, unless you have experience and are asked. Give a hug, if it is wanted. Otherwise, simply "be" with the person.
  • Finally, the greatest hack Momma ever taught me - Pray! Pray each morning and evening. Pray when it is quiet and you are alone. Pray as you walk among the crowds. Pray when you work. Pray when you play.  Doesn't matter the words you say; in fact, Momma taught me that pray doesn't have to have words. Prayer can be actions, too.
Hindsight being much clearer, I can see know, that Momma was the catalyst for my becoming the minister I am today. She would tell me that God has many names, many faces and that I should never condemn another because he or she doesn't see God the same as I do. She also told me that our prayers/meditations/thoughts/good wishes/positive energy - whatever you call it when you connect with the Divine Source of All - are always answered. She taught me that the trouble is that when the answer is "no" we do not want to listen. So, we get mad at God and turn our backs away. 

May we all live the virtues of faith, hope, and Love...especially Love. May we always remember to give thanks, be nice, share, listen and pray. May we learn that we are all connected in this great Cosmic Web of Life. May we all be blessed and remember to bless all we meet along this journey.


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