Ancestors, All Souls and the Modern World

Ancestor veneration is practiced around the world in many countries. The rites and rituals are based on the belief that our ancestors, as well as the souls of those who have gone on before us, still play a role in our daily lives. 

Thousands of years ago, my Celtic ancestors honored the dead during the observance of Samhain (pronounced SOW-in in Ireland). They welcomed their dead home, asked that the harvested fields become fertile once more, and warned off restless spirits with grotesquely carved turnips.

A sacred fire was lit atop Tlachtga, while on Tara members of the Irish tribes gathered. All the fires in Ireland would be extinguished at this time. Families would light a torch from the great fire on Tlachtga, bring it home and relighting their home fires, which were kept burning year round. 

This was a time of endings and beginnings. A time to gather in and cast off. A time to remember and a time to forget. Summer and all its glories were past; winter was at the door with its long, dark days and cold, black nights.

Honoring the ancestors, asking their protection during the dark days of winter, was a way of keeping hope alive. Hope was rewarded when spring finally greened the hills and valleys with life once more.

Christianity, when it took control of Ireland, incorporated these beliefs into two holy days - All Souls and All Saints days.  Processions of the faithful would walk the streets of the villages dressed as saints and martyrs. The christian community would pray for the souls of the departed on the evening of the October 31 and on the morning of November 1 celebrate all the saints and martyrs of the church. 

Today, the meaning behind the observance is lost in horrific costumes, sugar highs and gatherings where participants mostly dress as monsters and demonic beings. For many, their ancestors are the farthest thing from their mind. 

However, I believe that we need hope in this world more than ever. We need to remember what happened in the past, so that we will not repeat the same mistakes. We need the examples of our forefathers and mothers. We need to believe that the cold, dark days we all are experiencing, will once again turn bright with the Light of Love and Peace. 


May all who observe these holy days of change and longing remember the joys of spring are but a short time away. May we remember our ancestors and those who have entered the other side of the veil. May we learn from their lives in order to bring Love, Peace and Joy into this world. May we see that all souls have the ability to be saints as long as their Light is kept burning bright. Blessings of Love, Light and Peace to all!


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