Prayer AND Action

Photo Credit: (c) 2017 Band of Angels - L M Neas

The last nine months have been increasingly difficult for so many around the world. Politics aside, there have been numerous natural disasters that, at times, have made it difficult to feel safe, let alone know what to do. But, when random violence is added to the mix, our security bottoms out, leaving us all vulnerable and filled with fear.

Random violence with hand guns and automatic weapons in the United States has become daily news. Our schools, churches, and venues of entertainment have all been placed in the cross hairs of someone's gun sight.

During these times, the first thing many people do is turn to prayer, which is exactly what happened this past week, when a killer let loose on innocent victims in Las Vegas. This time, however, there was a torrent of memes on social media disparaging prayer. "Get off your knees and do something!" one such message read. Another stated, "The time for prayer is over. Do something."

I have pondered these messages for over a week, now. I agree that when tragedy strikes, when the horrors of nature and humanity become more than we can stand, we must do something, such as stop supporting politicians, who take money from those who support the unbridled distribution of handguns and automatic weapons.  

Let me be clear, I am not for taking away someone's right to carry firearms. I AM for very strict, very thorough background checks and licensing requirements.  I am also for laws that limit who owns handguns and the restriction of automatic weapons to military/police forces, alone. I am also not so naive to think that these restrictions and laws will stop all senseless violence. But, it will save lives. Please read Brett Steven's article on this. 

Nevertheless, for many around the world, who do not have the capitol to write a check, fly to a distant location, lobby politicians or stand toe to toe with adversaries, praying IS doing something.

Prayer, in all its forms, brings people hope, connects them to the Divine, and helps bring a modicum of balance back into life, when everything goes off kilter.  When we have hope, we can see a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how dim. We are able to believe that things CAN get better. Without hope, the world closes in on us and we give up.

Humans, as history has shown time and again, are resilient beings. We have a great capacity for rising like a phoenix from the ashes. We do this by believing in the possibility of a better tomorrow. Take that possibility away and we are indeed doomed.

Therefore, I ask that we look kindly on our brothers and sisters, who remind all to pray when the inhumanity of life befalls us. If you feel called to do more, then add further ways to assist in whatever situation arises, be it listing an organization that gives aid, writing to Congress, or meeting to work on cleaning up the mess caused by severe weather. But, please, do not condemn those whose first recourse is to pray, for this may be the best they can do to help make a better world.


May we all give what we can to help create a better world. May those with the means to share wealth, feel called to do so. May those with the talents and gifts to create ways to make our world more peace-filled, feel called to do so. May we each find the best way we have of shining our Light into the Darkness of this world, realizing that together we are brighter than when we stand alone.




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