What's Love Got to Do with It?

This is called the Season of Light and Love, but what does Love have to do with it?  How do we factor in love as a symbol of holidays that give witness to the duality of light and dark in the world.

For me, Love and Light go hand-in-hand. Think about it...don't you "light up" when you see someone you love?  Have you ever witnessed "love lights" in someone's eyes?  How often have you heard or read that falling in love was like having a fire burning inside?

With the feeling of love, comes the desire to give. If we think about gift-giving, which is a prominent tradition during this time of the year, love is a huge factor. We give gifts, symbols of our love and affection, to those we care about, those we hold close. We also give gifts as a sign of friendship. (Love is synonymous with charity, agape, and goodwill.)

In cultures around the world, gift-giving is an important part of keeping the peace, showing respect and gratitude as well as demonstrating your love for another. During the Hindu celebration of Light - Diwali - those who celebrate recall the triumph of good over evil. They share food and gifts with family, friends and those who have nothing. The tradition of giving gelt during Hanukkah is linked to works of charity and/or teaching children about giving to others. For Christians, the greatest Love of all was given when Jesus was born. Even the celebration of Winter Solstice has a tradition of gift-giving that dates back to ancient Rome, when candles (symbolic of the returning sun), dolls and figs (symbolic of fertility) would be given. 

How do you celebrate Love at this time of the year? 


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