The Promise of Spring

Photo Credit: Crocus - (c) 2018 LMN

Is it any wonder that spring is associated with birth, resurrection, and new life? Each spring, I am in awe of how, out of earth turned gray and lifeless by the winter's cold hand, bits of green can suddenly appear, growing daily until blossoms of spring flowers shock the senses with their presence.

From the beginning of time, when humans first walked Earth, there has been an awareness of how mystical and magical this time of year is. From standing stones to burial mounds, from pyramids to great cathedrals, the changing of the seasons has been recognized through art, music, poems, prayers, and ritual. 

Standing in a garden that is beginning to return to life is akin to watching the raising of the dead. For all intent purposes, most of the trees and flowers look dead, beyond the ability to produce life, yet, each spring buds start to fill, green shoots appear, and life returns in all its glory.

This has been a long, hard winter for us all. Tragedy, storms, and utter craziness have added to the grays and dirt browns of Nature. Everything around us feels consumed by a murky cloud of despair. 

However, if we lift our heads, if we wander through a garden or out into the woods, the evidence of new life, of resurrection and of rebirth are everywhere. Hope sings from the branches of trees, where nests are being built. Hope cries from the fields, as new calves and lambs call to their mothers. Hope dances on the tips of the trees, as buds fill with life. 

May we all find evidence of spring in the days ahead. May our hearts, minds, and bodies be filled with the vernal energy of this season. May we use this new awareness, new strength, new courage to do what must be done to heal our broken world. May all our efforts to plant seeds of love, peace and healing be blessed to fruition in this coming year. 

Spring blessings to all!

Rev. Linda


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