Superheroes and Saints

Photo Art: 2019 Rev. Linda M. Rhinehart Neas

“Who needs superheroes when you have a brother.”

In this life, we each have something to learn and something to teach. I believe this. One of the great teachers of my lifetime, my younger brother, Barry, was also one of the greatest superheroes I have ever met. As a lifelong student, Barry, struggled at times, but never gave up. Once he learned a lesson, he shared it with everyone...and I mean everyone! (which is how he became an amazing degree...simply a naturally born teacher)

His elevation to superhero came after his struggle with liver failure five years ago. After a liver transplant from one of his best friends, (who was a closer match than Barry's male relatives) he dedicated his life to giving back to others and helping as many people as he could. 

This week, he joined the Saints when his battle with cancer came to an end.  The following are lessons, our Barry taught with great abandon!

  • Life gives you choices. Take the road that leads to helping others. This is the road that will fill your heart and soul up the most. (Barry, even in his toughest moments, had time to help others. He was a member of Team Rubicon and several other service organizations.)
  • Life often gives you second chances. Don't waste yours. (Barry had several second chances and with each he became more determined to give back and to do better.)

  • Don't hold grudges.  (Direct quote, "Grudges are worse than cancer. Get over it, forgive and love each other.")

  • Tell those you love them, that they mean the world to you. (Life is way too short not to let those we love know how much they mean to us. Barry shared his love with everyone, daily.)
  • Always have time for children...always. (Kids loved Barry. They would make him special gifts, sit and listen to him explain things and simply climb up on his lap to rest. He never ignored them.)
  • Be kind to animals, plant a tree, feed the birds. (Barry was Father Nature. Animals that feared humans never were afraid of Barry. He loved his dogs and cats. He had an affinity for hummingbirds, bugs and horses. One of his favorite places to go was to visit the retired draft horses at the Blue Star Equiculture Draft Horse Sanctuary.)

  • Finally, be the embodiment of Love. (Barry, in his last days, was full of love and gave love in abundance, sharing his admiration for people in his life with them by meeting them or calling them.)


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