Wise Beyond Her Years

 © Tomas Castelazo, www.tomascastelazo.com / Wikimedia Commons

I just finished reading Greta Thunberg's speech to Congress on Climate Change. What an amazing young woman! Then, I heard her speak to those gathered for the UN Summit on Climate Change.  She didn't mince words. What a courageous young woman!  But, wait...she is not a woman, she is all of 16 years old - a child! Yet, she has the poise and determination that many adults lack and wished they had.

What she is saying for all the world to hear is that we adults have done nothing but lip service to the issue of climate change, even though we have known for years (at least the last 100, if not more) that this is an issue. I remember learning that scientists back in the 50's and 60's were warning of catastrophic problems from too much CO2. When a child looks at the leaders of the world and says, "How dare you steal my dreams!" it is tough to hear.

True there are those who diligently have tried to live "green," but our governments, our businesses, our organizations have failed us and the generations behind us. 

The truth is, as Greta so succinctly stated, we need to be reacting as if our house is on fire, because it is!  If we don't stop all the greed-driven rhetoric and the political pandering, we will not have a world to leave to our children. 

We must vote for people who see the emergency. We must scream and yell if they don't listen.  We must stop buying stuff that we don't need. Because, bottom line to all those in power and to those who think that the climate change problem is simply fabricated in order to take money away for people -- we can't take our wealth or power with us when that chariot pulls up to take us to our final rest.  

If you are having trouble getting inspired about this topic, watch the video below.



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