Courage of Your Convictions

"My mother always taught us that if people don't agree with you, 
the important thing is to listen to them. 
But if you've listened to them carefully
 and you still think that you're right, 
then you must have the courage of your convictions."  
~ Jane Goodall ~

Much like Jane Goodall, my mother taught me that I should always listen, but if something didn't feel right, then I needed to be brave enough to do what I felt in my heart was right.  Indeed, I sometimes have run into brick walls because of my convictions, but almost always, I have found a way over, around, under or through. Tenacity is a great tool to have in your spiritual toolbox!

Most recently, as we watched the events playing out in Washington, I have found that the courage of our convictions is being tested.  If we identify as Christians, we are being called to follow the ways of Jesus.  Likewise, if we are Buddhist, the ways of Buddha; Jewish, the ways of the Prophets, and so forth. Every faith path has the same tenet...Love one another!

When I listened to Senator Romney's speech during the impeachment hearings, I realized that for the first time in a very long time, our country and the world were witnessing a public display of courage of conviction. Sen. Romney spoke from his heart with the knowledge that what he believed in he had to live, no matter the consequences. He said, "My vote will likely be in the minority in the Senate, but irrespective of these things, with my vote, I will tell my children and their children that I did my duty to the best of my ability believing that my country expected it of me."

His speech made me so much more aware of what I believe in. I believe that we CAN make the world a better place; that Love always wins in the end; that we are all connected; that one person CAN make a difference and that together, we can make amazing things happen.

So, as the days get closer to spring - a time of rebirth and renewal - may we all find the courage to be the best authentic selves we can be. May we join with others of like mind, regardless of color, religion, gender or national origin, to shine brightly in the darkness of the world.
May our efforts ripple forward into a tidal wave of Love and Light.



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