Forty Days and Forty Nights

Beginning tomorrow Christians around the world will observe 40 days of reflections, sacrifice and prayer. This is the holy season of Lent - the time prior to the Feast of Easter. 

Traditionally, followers would give something up for Lent - candy, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. Over the years, what I have found is that "giving something up" isn't always what one would hope it would be. In addition, when people fail at their attempt to give up, they feel bad about themselves, which truly defeats the purpose of nurturing our spirits.

Long ago, I began a tradition of "giving" during Lent.  Rather than looking at the cup half empty and giving up candy or something, I decided to be positive, to give to others - random acts of kindness. For example,  instead of buying that candy bar, one could put the money into a friend's pocket when he/she wasn't looking. 

When my girls were young, we took the money spent on pizza and gave flowers anonymously to people in the community who we felt were unsung heroes...the school secretary, the elderly woman who grand-mothered many of the latch-key kids and the folks at the police/fire stations.

This year, one of my grandchildren told me that she was planning on writing letters to people she wanted to thank.  How I wish I could see their faces when they receive a handwritten note from this dear girl!

Point is, giving rather than giving up, not only makes other's happy, it also nurtures our souls as we reap the benefits of the simple task of random acts of kindness. Then, when Easter arrives, we don't feel like failures not good enough to celebrate the Holy Day, but rather, we glow with the joy of giving to others.  A win/win if you ask me. 

Blessings to all during the next 40 days and nights. May your reflections bring you peace and comfort, may your sacrifices be pleasing to the Divine and may your prayers be received in unconditional Love.   



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