Mama, Help Me

The past week has been one where the images of hate and violence have once again filled the media.  One sentence caught in my heart. 

As a mother, to hear a child, even an adult child, call out in pain and agony destroys something deep within. "Mama, I can't me," were George Floyd's last words. His mother was deceased but mothers around the world heard his cry.

Mothers around the world have felt that same searing pain at the sound of those words. Mothers around the world, who can still hold their children, are drawing them closer.  Mothers around the world, whose children are far from them, are praying for their safety. Mothers around the world are once again protesting against the insidious hate and violence that has taken too many of their children. Mothers around the world are banning together because they know deep down that where our hearts break, the Light shines through.

To the Floyd family, I offer my humble prayers.  To the families across this country who have suffered similar heart break - you, too, are in my prayers. 

I may only be one mother, but I promise to continue to fight, to educate, to protest and to vote until this country is once again a shining example of democracy, freedom and hope.

May the healing of this nation and the world begin now.



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