Seven Years and Counting

(c) 2020 Butterfly by Rev. Linda M. Rhinehart Neas
The day I was ordained was one of those clear, warm late spring/early summer days that people remember with great fondness. My colleagues and I were waiting in the gorgeous library of All Soul's Church in New York waiting to process into the church sanctuary. Each of us was in various stages of reflection and preparation for the ritual that lay ahead of us.
I remember, as we walked down the aisle singing, "Here I Am Lord,"  thinking to myself, "Wow, Linda, you finally made it!"  After nearly 60 years of hearing the call, I was finally being recognized. Like the Velveteen Rabbit, I would become "real" in the course of the service.

Walking down the aisle, looking into the eyes of my beloved and my cousins, who came to New York to be with me; meeting for a brief moment my dear soul sister, Maryam, who came to share the experience after two years of reading about my journey to ministry, gave me such joy. The Grace of that moment in time filled me to overflowing! 
Seven years later and hindsight being 20/20, I realize that I was always real. I had always ministered; I simply wasn't recognized "officially." However, the work that I had done since childhood was always dedicated to helping and serving (ministering means to serve) others.
During this pandemic, my ability to serve my community and the world has become very creative.  The years of technological experience and all the hours of creating works of art have become the tools I have most needed in order to minister to other. 
Whether I am recording a service for my church family or posting images and words of wisdom, inspiration and hope on my Facebook page, the experiences of the past have given me a firm foundation for my ministry. 
With gratitude, I lift my eyes to the crystal blue morning sky, wrap myself in the sounds of birdsong and the whispers of the trees. My heart overflows with Love for all creation. Like the butterfly that breaks free of the chrysalis to fly high and far, I have broken free of doubt and fear to fly ever forward in the Light of Love, Peace and Hope.


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