You Are the Shining Star of Your Own Play


I am delighted today to have as a guest blogger, Michele Sammons. Michele is an inspirational author, spiritual teacher, and highly-attuned guide who works with clients worldwide helping them transform their lives through divine guidance. As an empath and intuitive, Michele’s light-hearted, joyful approach embraces her clients right where they are on their spiritual path and gently guides them to personal clarity and understanding. Michele is passionate about working with Spirit to uplift others while spreading love and joy along the way.

Michele's book, "The Little Book of Big Knowing," was a delight to read. Made up of short yet meaningful meditations, I found that many resonated with what I believe and understand about Spirit, Life, Death and all that exists in between. I highly recommend this book!

Without further ado, let us delve into the thoughts that Michele shares so graciously with us today. 

You are the Shining Star of Your Own Play

 “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages.”                

~ William Shakespeare, from As You Like It ~

Most of you are familiar with the concept that life is like a play. You understand that you are the main character in your own story. You play many roles while you are here—wife, mother, daughter, boss, employee, sister, etc. You also understand that the people in your life are like other actors on the stage. You move about your individual play as they move about their play, all while interacting with each other. 

But have you ever thought about the behind-the-scenes folks who are helping stage the play? The folks who build the sets, get the coffee, make the costumes, set up lighting, apply the make-up, promote the show, choreograph the dance numbers, direct the scenes and write the script. It takes a lot of support to put on a play and even more to run a life. Your Energy Beings or as I like to call them— Vibe Tribe— act as your support crew. 

Your Vibe Tribe are behind-the-scenes helping your life on Earth be the best possible experience. They do big things and small things for you every day. Big things include the sun rising and setting, the seasons changing, your body breathing, or your heart beating. The small things (sometimes they feel big) show up as intuition, sudden insights, good timing, or the reminder in your brain. Their intentions are always tailored to support you. 

So, who is the director of your play? You! 

You are the main character and the director. You are in charge of how your play unfolds because your life is more like improv than a play. You come in to physical life wanting to experience very general circumstances and energies. Once you are here, the specifics are filled in by you as you live your life. 

You work in partnership with your Soul-self (the producer of the gig) to have the most adventurous experience possible. From scene to scene, you are constantly tweaking and refining the play while your Soul-self is giving you feedback in the form of feelings and intuition. Your Soul-self isn’t telling you what to do but offering suggestions on the script. A true partnership exists between you and your Soul-self. 

What does this mean to you? You are the star of your life, but you are not doing it alone. Your life is layered and supported by a team of Energy Beings who want you to live the best life possible. Allow your team to support you because the show must go on!


Michele Sammons can be found at:


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