Moon Mother


Amma Niradhara teaching young girls in rural India.

"Imagine a world where a girl can not even attend school because of lack of menstrual care to manage her Moon Cycle."  This is a quote from the website describing the work of one of my Interfaith Minister sisters.

Amma Niradhara  has served the community at the SwAr Ashram since taking up residence in 2007. Amma was appointed by Swami Anantram in 2012 to direct his NGO (NIWS) and manage his Ashram. She is a Sannyasi (renunciate of worldly life), as the Spiritual Mother of SwAr Ashram, she is a Swamini, and she is a full-time Sevaka (un-salaried volunteer). She is, as well, an E-RYT500 Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher & CYT300 Yoga Therapist YACEP Yoga Education Provider, Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist, Reiki Master, Agnihotri, EMDR, TFT & EFT Guide, Sound Therapist and Ordained Interfaith Minister with projects inclusive of at-risk youth, trafficking rescues, maximum security incarcerated women, domestic violence & chronic trauma survivors. 
Amma has studied Yoga since 1973. Almost 20 years ago, while beginning Ashram life, she was initiated into Agnihotra and as an ardently devoted sadhaka was invited by the Master Shree Vasant, her Yajnyachara, to his home & Goshala (cow sanctuary) in India for Somayajnyas. Here, she discovered a timeless Mother, the River Narmada and a mighty Maharani (Great Queen) who ruled the region from this Fort which encompasses SwAr Ashram on its easternmost corner. Swami Anantram gave Niradhara Diksha (initiation) as a Swamini (independant female spiritual teacher). These immense Feminine Energies nurture those at SwAr Ashram. 

As a mother of four daughters and 6 granddaughters, I feel strongly that all girls have the right to an education and to the ability to understand their body and its functions in order to become the best woman they can grow to be. We here in the US often forget how blessed with are with the conveniences of simply popping down to the store to get what we need when we have our periods. We forget that there are parts of the world where women still hide during that time because they are thought to be "unclean."
Amma has a "Pad" program that helps girls in her community attend school. She finances the program by offering classes online and through the donations of others.  "Pad" means a cloth, feminine pad that she makes for girls so that they are able to attend school in this poor section of rural India. In her community, she is known as a Moon Mother. 

The classes Amma offers can be found at Mantra and Sutra e-classes. More about the work that Amma does within her community and the girls she is Mother for can be found on the Narmade Har! website. 

I hope that if you are reading this, you will take the opportunity to join one of Amma's classes or, send a donation to help her in her efforts to educated the people of her community.

Blessings to all.


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