The Miracle of Snowflakes, Sand and You


In our modern times, many people feel unimportant, overlooked and unnecessary. This is the furthest thing from the truth. Each of us is a miracle and each of us, like a snowflake or a grain of sand is necessary to make up the whole of this life. 

Being different is what makes our world beautiful. From a distance, the expansiveness of a beach can overlook the fact that millions of grains of sand, each different, come together to line the edges and floor of the sea. Looking up at a white-capped peak, the summit may appear uniform, as if painted, but that whiteness is comprised of millions of small crystalline flakes of ice, each different from the next.

From space, Earth appears to be an exquisite blue marble, yet, if we focus in our perspective, we eventually see that it is made up of oceans, continents, rivers, lakes, valleys, plains, cities, towns, villages, forests, woodlands, meadows and millions of creatures and people. Each and every one is unique, mysterious and important. Each and every one is important to the cycle of life. YOU are important! 

May we see the beauty and uniqueness of each being without finding fault. May we embrace our differences in order to create a world of peace, understanding, and love.  

Blessings to all.


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