
Showing posts from August, 2013

The Grace of Prayer

Image via Wikipedia Being an interfaith minister, my interest peaks whenever I hear of something written by another interfaith minister. The book, Beginner's Grace by Kate Braestrup is a memoir of the development of Kate's prayer life. Kate is a minister, and chaplain for the Maine Warden Service.  In this book, she tells the stories that led her to prayer...both those written by other's and her own.   These are a few of my favorites: Parent's Prayer by Kate Braestrup O God be with my darling child My dear, charming, impulsive, stormy one Hold her for me. Free her that she may grow; Grow in her That she may grow in You. May my child be loving and beloved. Amen. Muhammad's Exhortation - The Qu’ran: SM 249 What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of a human being, To feed the hungry, To help the afflicted, To lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, To remove the wrongs of the injured. That person is most belo...

Prayer for Letting Go

Image by Juliett-Foxtrott via Flickr To Those I Love    If I should ever leave you whom I love   To go along the Silent Way, grieve not,  Nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk  Of me as if I were beside you there.  (I'd come-I'd come, could I but find a way!  But would not tears and grief be barriers?)  And when you hear a song or see a bird  I loved, please do not let the thought of me  Be sad .... For I am loving you just as  I always have ... You were so good, to me!  There are so many things I wanted still  To do --- so many things to say to you ...  Remember that I did not fear ... It was  Just leaving you that was so hard to face ...  We cannot see Beyond.. But this I know:  I loved you so - 'twas heaven here with you!  --Ardis Marletta  This is a re-post from the blog posted May 2011. What a surprise and blessing to receive thi...