Thanks Giving - Now That the Turkey Is Gone
One thing that I dislike about greeting card holidays is that the commercialism of them creates the idea that this is a "one day only" event. Not true! Take Thanksgiving, for instance. Everyday should be a day of giving thanks. When we are grateful for what we have, we become satisfied; thereby, we are content with our lives. Consequently, when we forget to be grateful, we are constantly in a whirlwind of want. Giving thanks is as important today, as it was on Thursday of last week. The challenge is to stay mindful throughout the days ahead - past the winter holidays, past Valentine's Day, past the spring, summer and fall days that whiz past until we gather once more for Thanksgiving 2018. May we all attempt to keep Thanks Giving as an intricate part of our daily lives. May we begin each day grateful for a new 24 hours to fill with love and kindness. May we retire to our beds with words of gratitude whispering from our lips for the da...